Randy Marvel
Chief Executive Officer
A former baseball player and honors student at Texas Christian University, Randy would ultimately have to decide whether to put his degree to work in the real world or miraculously develop a 90-mph fastball. The law of physics and his keen entrepreneurial instincts led him to choose the former, and baseball’s loss would be the IT world’s gain. As CEO of Macrospect, Randy helps guide the company’s operations, strategic planning, and sales and marketing efforts. Under the leadership of he and Co-Founder Jeff Hattendorf, Macrospect has gained recognition as a “500 Fastest-Growing Private Company” by Inc. Magazine. Prior to forming Macrospect, he and Hattendorf built tech services company, AIVIA, from seed money into a 125-person operation with nine offices across the US until selling it in 2002. Randy is a regular guest speaker at conference events and graduated with honors from TCU with an MBA in Finance.
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